Over the past few weeks, I made a puzzle level using the
ideas and potential conclusions that have come up with the few experiments I
did during the last semester. I did this to further test them, but also as a way
for me to practice level design in general, as the majority of the work I’ve been doing so far has been
more to do with creating a virtual environment than a set of rules. The level is
essentially a couple of puzzles, where you use buckets of sand to turn giant wheels that
will open doors, with a main, harder puzzle proceeding an introduction puzzle.

Players start off in a large open, agoraphobic area. I
wanted to practice guiding players to certain areas using interesting objects and composition. There is a ‘cookie crum’
trial of wooden man-made structures leading towards the cave, and the rocks on
the outside are placed so that if a player follows it, it will lead them to the
levels entrance. The fog is heavy enough so that from the start position players can’t see
the entrance, but they can a little bit of the rock. I wanted to see what direction they
would go in if they didn’t have any immediate stimuli.

This first room is the introduction puzzle, which shows the
player a wheel being turned around by sand, another wheel with a container
above it and a valve like wheel beside it, and a bucket. I’ve used some of the
same methods I used when working on Rise of the Triad, with the most important objects
in the room coloured to contrast with the rest of the room’s palette, namely
the container being a bright turquoise, and the stone door (of which this room's goal is to go through) being a dark blue.
The bucket the player needs to pick up doesn’t have any highlighting on it and isn’t a vivid colour. I
wanted to see if the object being in this specific situation gave it the affordance of
being usable.

This next corridor is testing a few things I’ve looked at
before in the previous test. The waterfall is there to see if it affords any
sort of danger or if players think it to be impassable. There are two bridges
in the room, one has a hole in it and the other doesn’t, and neither of which look
like they are leading anywhere. I wanted to see which bridges players’ are put
off from crossing.
One of the things I found from previous playtests was the
idea that new players could find the idea of going backwards to feel regressive
and unsatisfying. The fact that this idea came from watching a racing game fan
playing a horror game meant that I really needed to look into it more. With the main
puzzle, players are required to pick up multiple piles of sand and share them
across two containers to exit and thus progress. In total there are 4 piles, but players can get
away with using 3. 3 of the piles are in this room, but the forth pile is
located back in the previous puzzle room, and players can open a side door to quickly get back to it.
If backtracking was seen as regressive or otherwise undesirable,
players wouldn’t collect the 4th pile even after opening the door, and I imagine at best they
would open the door to the previous room, and then go back after realising that
they had been in there before.
After the player has gone through that room, they travel
across an outside area. Again, this was to see if anyone felt that they were
somehow regressing, like what was seen with my Dad playing Silent Hill
Shattered Memories.
In the final area, there is this treasure. I wanted to see
what the players reaction to this floating cube would be, and whether or not
they try to pick it up. The wall behind the cube is also different from the
other walls, and I wanted to see if players felt that it was somehow significant
because of it.
This time, I decided to experiment with only using keyboard control to make it
simpler to control. Whenever the player is required to or is aided by looking
down, a camera animation takes care of it for them. I want to see if new players find this helpful and ends up
helping them make their way through the level, or if they find it frustrating
as if it was taking control away from them.
At the recent open day at UCLan, I had the opportunity to
have some fresh faces playtest the level, who were a mix between younger more
experienced players, and their parents or friends who were less experienced,
which helped in seeing if there were any differences in how they played.
Beforehand, I had an inexperienced family member play it as well. In
total 7 people have played the level.
In terms of play experience for them, it
was an outright failure. The majority of players didn’t get past the first
room, either from failing to solve the puzzle, or by not reaching the room in
the first place. Two players managed to complete it.
The first couple of players at UCLan, who were pretty experienced, as
well as the previously mentioned inexperienced family member, all turned around
at the start and climbed up the sand dune behind them. The inexperienced player
said he did it to get to a high point to survey his surroundings. The two
experienced players didn’t mention this explicitly, but they followed the same
actions of getting to higher ground. This looks like it might be a natural
behaviour shared between all players; when lost with no visible landmarks to
see, they will reach higher ground to find something. I’ll test this out in a
later level.
All three of these players did manage to find something in
the endless desert eventually. The experienced players ended up at the levels
end, and the inexperienced player managed to get around again and went to the
level's entrance. Because of the low test base I’m not going to read any
differences between new and experienced players.
After these three played the game, I decided to reduce the
density of the fog at the start so that players would see the entrance of the cave more
clearly, so I would have a chance at seeing how they solve the puzzles. All of the players afterwards ended up going into the cave, but they still wanted to explore what was behind and around them.
What was interesting about this opening area is how the
inexperienced players processed the objects in it.
Both inexperienced players thought that they could climb up
these scaffolds, which were just props that I was using as platforms elsewhere
in the level. The experienced players did look at them but didn’t try to
interact with them. From this it would seem that these new players felt that they afforded climbing, but experienced players didn't. The experienced used their previous game experienced to deduce that they were static, but the inexperienced what to interact with the game world in the same way they would reality.
This goes
against previous tests that showed that players didn’t take into account what
material and structural state certain bridges were made of before making a
decision about crossing them. In that test, players (albeit mostly experienced) didn't interact what the game world in a realistic manner. It might be that new players will attempt to
interact with a realistic environment with realistic actions, or maybe they
were attempting to reach higher ground to see further. I’m going to get some
inexperienced players to play the previous ‘Bridges and Material Semantics’
level to see if they have the same reaction that experienced players do.
The few players that reached this first room ran into some
trouble. They didn’t know what they could interact with, and some of the things
that they thought they could interact with turned out to be static. For the 2
inexperienced players, one of them picked up the bucket straight away and then
asked if they could put it down again, and the other player didn’t understand
that the bucket could be picked up. I think that this might have been because
this had attempted to interact with the scaffolding outside by pressing the
interact button. I had told the player about the
button just after they started, which probably influenced them to use it somewhere. I hadn’t told
the player who had picked up the bucket about the button until they asked me how to pick it up. It seems that the failed attempt at
interactivity had coloured their perception of the game world, and wasn’t
inspired to pick up the bucket as they felt that they wouldn’t be able to use
Of those who did pick the bucket up, a popular thing to do
was to try to hold the bucket under the sand that turns the wheel. They knew,
or at least wanted, to collect sand in the bucket, and the method they decided
to use made perfect sense, I just didn’t let them. This was a pure design flaw
on my part.
What was successful however, was that many players, possibly
after picking up the bucket and definitely after picking up the sand, managed
to assert that they needed to put the sand in the bucket and rotate the valve wheel.
This would have been easier for the players to understand if they could look up
however, as then they would of been easily able to see the connection between the valve and the container. All of the experienced players at some point resorted to using the
laptops touchpad to look up at some point. Inexperienced players didn’t do
this, most likely because they didn’t know they could do it. As I was watching
them play I did overhear both of them mutter something about wanting to look up.
It looks like the control scheme didn’t give players the
freedom they wanted.
As only two players managed to get past the first room, an
inexperienced one and experienced one, I’m not going to draw many conclusions.
But, both players didn’t think they could pass under the waterfall, one
attempted to cross over the first bridge after seeing it (and succeeding by
going over the rope holding it together), and both players tried to walk over
the second bridge, even though there wasn’t anything to go over to. This is a
nice little back up of the idea that bridges afford crossing over. Even though
both players didn’t try to go through the waterfall, I’m not going to assert
that this is representative of all natural world stimuli. As I was watching
people play, I felt that the waterfall made much more of a barrier then I
anticipated. So, as with the broken bridges in the ‘Camera anims’ test, I’m
going to say that it is more to do with geometry than it is materials.
These two players also had some trouble with the second room,
they didn’t realise straight away that the room used a double door, only doing
so when they placed some sand in one container and then being shocked when they
realised that they couldn’t get out so easily. I quite liked having that as
players gave strong reaction. However I’m sure that not all players would
consider that moment to be fun.
Neither player collected the 4th pile of sand
from the first room. Both players opened the door to the room, however after
realising what it was, they turned around. Again more testing is needed, but
this is more evidence of backtracking feeling regressive for players, and thus
something that they naturally don’t want to do, regardless of how much
experience they have.
Even though the wheels in either room were coloured
differently, the inexperienced player felt that they had been in the second
room before when they approached it. This wasn’t a problem for the experienced
player. I would like to get some more inexperienced players to playtest to see
if this is a behaviour that is shared amongst the inexperienced or is just
something that this individual player does.
The final area played very smoothly, and players did what I
expected. 2 of the 7 players didn’t reach this area, and those that did reacted
in more or less the same way. Players would walk across the planks, enter the
building, successfully pick up the cube and then turn around. All of the
players who got that far hesitated
little after picking up the cube, wondering what they needed to before
doing the only thing they could do, which was leave the area. If I had placed a
locked door like object in the previous cave area and replaced the cube with a
key, I’m sure there would have been less hesitation.
The 2 players who turned around at the very start of the
level manage to find this area, and by jumping managed to climb on to the
scaffold and make it to the building. One of these players starting going down
the cave before turning around, and the other didn’t really seem to notice it.
So far, I think I’ve arrived at two big conclusions.
From what I saw with the testing, it seems that if the player
doesn’t have any goal, and no previous knowledge of a realistic looking game
world or any other similar worlds, they will approach it in a realistic manner.
However, there actions are based on the sensual information that they are
given. In the case of the wooden and metal bridges test, I think that players
reacted the same to both bridges because the strength materials is something
that is felt rather than seen or heard. You feel how hard metal and wood are.
You can’t see hardness.
This has given me some strange ideas of how to incorporate
touch into video games. Perhaps I could look into haptic feedback, or maybe try
to come up with some sort of cross between video games and theatrical
performance. In the light vs dark test, were players were split 50:50 on
whether they travelled down a light path or a dark path, but I doubt it would
be the same if someone was standing directly behind them breathing down their
necks when they were in the dark. Of course, a theatre troupe isn’t something
that you can pack away at home and take out when you’re bored, so I’m going to
think of ways that can do similar things but just with what the computer can
There are plenty of examples of games which try to bring the
game out of the computer and into reality, (such as
Deep Sea, where you wear a paper mache mask,
and any games which use a combination of the
Oculus Rift and the Virtuix Omni)
but all of the experiences that I know of do these to ‘increase immersion’ or
simply because there creators thought it would be cool.
I’m going to try to propose that things like these could be
used to increase the effectiveness of navigational cues for newer players, by
making certain stimuli feel more realistic, and thus remove any ambiguity about
what said stimuli does in the game world. And I’m going to try to do it without
using anything fancier than a mouse and keyboard. And probably a touch screen.
The one big thing I am learning is that all players think
Something I would like to investigate later on is using this
test-like level design in order to generally determine a players personality.
By monitoring what options they take, the level design could on the fly be
adapted so that the guidance that is used suited the player. Something that I
mentioned right at the start of this semester was a desire to use O.C.E.A.N.
personality tests on players, but due to said tests taking at least 15 minutes to complete, it didn't seem practical to do them.